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Mistäs sinä siihen tupsahdit? No kumminkin älä nyt säikähdä, vaikka ympärilläsi kulkee hieman varovaisesti sudelta näyttäviä karvaisia otuksia. Ihan koiria nää on, tutummin niitä siperianhuskyja. Tule rohkeasti peremmälle vain, eivät nämä sua syö! Se on tämän paikan nimi. Jos ei oikein vieläkään valaissut, niin oot eksynyt Saksaan, tutummin Leipzigiin siperianhuskyja kasvattavaan virtuaalikenneliin. Kasvattelen pienesti ja suurestikin näitä siperian sotureita täällänäin.
MOSCOW, RU, 105120
MOSCOW, 127562
The Arctic region includes the area that lies north of the Arctic Circle, which is situated about 66. 7 degrees north of the Equator. The North Pole, which is the northernmost point of the axis around which the earth rotates, lies at the center of the Arctic region. Moving eastward, the northernmost tips of Norway, Sweden, and Finland are located in the Arctic Circle. Next comes Russia which, when following the Arctic Circle, is so large that it extends almost halfway around .
Founded in 1997 and located in Port Chester, NY, Arctic Mechanical offers professional heating. Services to most of the. Our highly trained and professional staff of 27 employees specializes in a wide-variety of commercial and residential HVAC projects. Our team is driven to provide you the precise solutions needed to resolve your HVAC issue. In doing so we will ensure we maximize the performance of your heating and air conditioning ventilation equipment.
Добро пожаловать на Арктический многоязычный портал. Сейчас на портале 311 статей. Это часть территории России, включающая полярный бассейн и Арктический пояс, в состав которого входит и прилегающий шельф с островами материкового происхождения. Рис 2 Арктические и субарктические районы.
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